HSE hosts discussion of draft section of regulatory policy on the Country Development Strategy Until 2024
On 27 September, NRU HSE hosted a round-table discussion, titled Discussion by the regulatory policy bloc of proposals for the Russian Strategic Development Strategy for 2018 – 2024, held under the auspices of the Centre for Strategic Developments and the Institute for Public Administration and Governance, as part of work, performed by IPAG under the government assignment Development of proposals for individual aspects concerning improvement of public administration(for the CSD).
Rebooting the matrix: how to rid business and society of unnecessary rules
CSD Vice-president Maria Shklyaruk and Director of the RIA Centre Daniil Tsygankov have written a column in the RBC on the directions and prospects of regulatory policy in Russia.
IPAG RIA Centre Director gives interview to Zakonodatelstvo magazine
A discussion with Daniil Tsygankov on how the practice of regulatory impact assessment came into being, what approaches exist to implement it, how RIA procedures are applied in Russian and much more.
Regulatory Impact Assessment: international experience and practical means of implementation in the Eurasian Economic Commission
On 16 April, Director of the RIA Centre at IPAMM NRU HSE Daniil Tsygankov addressed the information workshop at the EEC – Regulatory Impact Assessment: international experience and practical means of implementation in the Eurasian Economic Commission.
Regional authorities do not engage much in regulatory impact assessment
More than one half of Russian regions are nominally engaged in the formation of the institution of regulatory impact assessment (RIA). Experts from the Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre at NRU HSE have revealed that assessment specialists have not undergone the requisite further training, analysis of the consequences of regulatory innovations for business and society are systematically overlooked and funds are allocated for pilot projects and training merely based on the leftover principle. That said, a number of regions are growth points for “smart regulation”.
RIA in Russian and Eurasian Economic Union
Director of the RIA Centre, IPAMM NRU HSE and independent expert of the Consultative Committee for Entrepreneurship under the EEU Supervisory Panel Daniil Tsygankov gave a video interview to the PROVED information and analytical portal (St Petersburg), speaking about the present-day state of regulatory impact assessment in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. We recall that since 1 April 2015 the majority of decisions of the EEU, which may have an impact on business conditions, may not be taken without allowance for RIA and public consultations with the business community.
Heading for a new regulatory policy for Russia
On 14 March the National Research University - the Higher School of Economics held the international practical workshop "Development of Smart Regulation Mechanisms: heading for a new regulatory policy for Russia".
Andrey Klimenko, Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management of the NRU HSE opened the event and served as moderator on the first panel.
Charles-Henri Montin, Senior Advisor on regulatory matters for the French Finance Ministry and editor of the international Smartregulation.net blog, appeared with a keynote speech, describing the potential of best practices in the regulatory policy of OECD countries and throughout the world as regards the applicability of Russian realities.
RIA in Lipetsk Region
On 21 November, under the support of the Administration of Lipetsk Region, the Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with the RIA Centre of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) held the second in-depth workshop for department heads in regional and municipal administrations, heads of regional and municipal administrations on the subject: “Development of the Institution of RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) in Lipetsk Region”.
Application of a regulatory impact assessment mechanism
On 29 May 2013 the Federal Customs Service hosted a workshop on the application of a regulatory impact assessment mechanism.
Director of the RIA Centre presents a report on parliamentary RIA at a workshop session at the State Duma
Director of the RIA Centre Daniil TSYGANKOV and invited specialist from the Centre M.Y. SOROKIN presented a report Parliamentary RIA – International Practice and Prospects for Russia at the workshop The Role of Regulatory Impact Assessment and Socioeconomic Review in the Preparation of Legislative Initiatives, conducted as part of the session for heads of analytical departments of legislative (representative) and executive government agencies of Russian Federation constituent entities.