Anna A. Mikhailova
Position: Senior Researcher at the Center for Geopolitical Studies of the Baltic Region
Academic degree: Ph.D. in Geographical Sciences
Research interests: geography of knowledge and innovation, territorial innovation systems, innovative security of regions, digitalization and digital transformation of social processes, spatial features of socio-economic and scientific and technological development of regions
Research grants:
• " Digital transformation of cross-border cooperation of Russian regions as a factor of national security " (RNF 21-77-00082), 2021-2023 (Head of the research team)
• " Regions of Russia towards a digital nation: spatial divergence in virtualization of socio-political and economic relations " (RFBR 20-011-32062), 2020-2021 (Head of the research team)
• " Social Innovation and Local Value Adding in Rural Regions of the Southern Baltics-SILVAR-Balt " (RFBR 20-55-76003), 2021-2024 (Researcher)
• " Coastal cities in innovation spaces of the European part of Russia " (RFBR 18-310-20016), 2018-2020 (Researcher)
• " Ensuring the Economic Security of Russia's Western Borderland Regions During Geopolitical Turbulence " (RNF 18-17-00112), 2018-2020 (Researcher)
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