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Kazan Digital Week 2023

Leading Research Fellow Evgeny Diskin made a presentation at the II International Scientific and Practical Conference «Digital Technologies and Law» at the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2023.

On September 22, 2023, Leading Research Fellow of the Laboratory, Diskin Evgeny, made a presentation at the basic section «Digital technologies in the system of public-legal relations» on the topic «Regulation of Internet platforms – New challenges for BRICS countries». The Conference was held by the Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov within the International Forum Kazan Digital Week - 2023, organized by the Government of the Russian Federation together with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan. The conference was attended by more than 2,000 people from 35 countries. During his speech, Evgenii Diskin raised the issue of insufficient interaction of the BRICS member States in the regulation of digital platforms. The recent expansion of the number of members of this association provides a wide opportunity to intensify cooperation between the participants. Given the fact that the chairmanship within the BRICS has passed to Russia, there’s a unique opportunity. It is now possible to draw attention of the global South to this issue. The presentation generated lively interest and active discussion among colleagues, during which the problems of protecting digital sovereignty and its essence, the issues of alternative models of regulation of the Internet space were discussed. It was concluded that the there`s a need to deepen cooperation and synchronize the digital regulatory agenda among the CIS, SCO and BRICS countries.