Associate Professor Aisylu Ataeva acted as an official opponent at the defense of the dissertation
Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Aisylu Ataeva acted as an official opponent at the defense of the dissertation of Irina Shorokhova on the topic «Influence of concentration effects on the innovative development of regions» for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. The defense was held at the meeting of the Dissertation Council on economic sciences at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Vladivostok State University’.
The dissertation research of Irina Shorokhova is devoted to the actual problem of the influence of resource concentration on innovation processes in the regions of Russia, which is especially relevant in the conditions of the need to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. The paper proposes a new methodological toolkit for assessing this impact, taking into account the heterogeneity of regions, and develops a mechanism for taking into account the effects of concentration in the strategic planning of regional development. Aisylu Ataeva highly appreciated the scientific novelty and practical significance of the research.
The dissertation «Influence of Concentration Effects on the Innovative Development of Regions» (in Russian) is available in the scientific library and on the official website of Vladivostok State University at the following link: