Lyudmila A. Vidiasova
Position: Head of the Monitoring Research Department of the Center for E-Government Technologies at the Institute of Design and Urban Studies of ITMO University
Academic degree: Candidate of Sociological Sciences
Education: St. Petersburg State University, specialty is Sociology.
Research interests: e-Participation, e-Government, CyberSocial Trust, Smart City
Research grants and projects:
- RFBR Grant for young Ph.D. holders "Research on the social effectiveness of e–participation portals in Russia" 2016-2018 (No. 16-36-60035), Head of the research project.
- Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young Ph.D. holders "Research of factors influencing the development of electronic participation tools in Russia" 2016-2017 (No. 14.Y30.16.5953-MK), Head of the research project.
- The project "Electronic Management in the processes of Eurasian economic integration: structure and basic models" 2015-2017 (RGNF grant 15-03-00715), participant.
- Project "Models of interaction between society and the elderly: a study of the possibility of social inclusion" 2014-2016 (grant of the Russian Academy of Sciences 14-18-03434), participant, coordinator of the research component.
Personal pages and profiles in scientific citation systems:
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