Pavel Suvorkov presented a report at the conference "Historical Approach in Geography and Geoecology"
Veronika Simonova, Head of the Central Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Pavel Suvorkov, a Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, made a presentation at the conference "Historical Approach in Geography and Geoecology" on the topic "The Phenomenon of Ethnic Identity in the Conditions of Mixing Ethnic Groups and Digitalization." The conference was co-organized by: RSMU, RGS, IG RAS, RSPU and Pskov State University.
The report considered: general approaches to the study of ethnicity in social theory, opportunities and limitations for modeling the reproduction of interacting ethnic groups in conditions of limited census data, ethnic identity in the realities of the digitalization process. The abstracts of the report are presented in the corresponding collection.
Abstract content of the report:
- The phenomenon of ethnic identity can seriously change in the era of digitalization.
- Digitalization and digital transformation of society affect the perception of ethnic identity by individuals.
- Differences between ethnic groups become less noticeable (so-called interethnic distances), especially for people of the "inner circle".
- Social networks are becoming more focused on interests correlated with age and type of settlement, rather than on ethnic self-identification.
- Digitalization generates differences in the intensity of involvement of people's perception of ethnicity and the grounds for this involvement.
- Ethnic identity is becoming increasingly dependent on digital reality.