Centre for Regional Programmes develops standards for time and staff numbers for local government authorities in Yaroslavl Region
During their research, the Centre's experts developed and tested working standards and standards for staff numbers of local government authorities in Yaroslavl Region, an optimum organisational and staffing structure was calculated for local government authorities and recommendations were drawn up for standardising payroll expenditure concerning the employees of local government authorities.
Development of social partnership: the interests of employers
On 18 February 2015, as part of the university-wide open classroom, organised by the department of theory and practice in the collaboration of business and authority, hosted a master class of Professor Marina Moskvina, Director of the Employment Market and Social Partnership Administration of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
State anti-corruption policy in the Russian Federation and its impact on the development of small and medium businesses
On 4 February, the university-wide open classroom, organised by the department of theory and practice in the collaboration of business and authority, hosted a master class of the President and Managing Director of the Delovaya Perspektiva Interregional Public Foundation, Leading Expert of the Institute of Public and Municipal Management at NRU HSE and Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in Combating Corruption Dina Krylova.
Improving the operations of public civil servants
On 28 November, the Higher School of Economics, together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation held the conference “Enhancing the effectiveness and performance of public civil servants”. The conference was a practical event and was devoted to planned innovations in HR technologies and the public civil service.
More than 350 people took part in the conference, predominantly heads of HR departments in federal and regional authorities and representatives of the majority of scientific and educational establishments engaged in issues pertaining to public services.
Crimean officials further qualification at HSE
About one thousand public and municipal servants from the Crimea and Sevastopol will attend training at HSE under the programme for advanced qualification in public procurement. One of the key aspects of the training will be countering corruption.
RIA Novosti: Regional development strategies are needed to enable officials to focus on results
On 31 March, RIA Novosti hosted a round table discussion on the theme: "New standards for training public servants", devoted to the introduction of modern HR operating methods. "How will training standards for public servants change? Will educational standards alter linked with the Crimea becoming part of the Russian Federation?" - responses were given to these and other issues at the press centre of RIA Novosti by invited specialists from the Russian Federal Migration Service, the Russian Federal Service for Labour and Employment, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and leading institutions of higher education.
The Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE was represented at the round table discussion by Ilya Akishin, head of the division for the organisational and HR audit of public authorities.
Labour Ministry issues anti-corruption rules for business
The Labour Ministry has prepared detailed recommendations on how to combat corruption within companies. The documents, which has been well received by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Delovaya Rossiy and Opora Rossii, has already been distributed among companies. Its objective is to help businesses meet the requirements of Article 13.3 of Federal Law No. 273 On Countering Corruption.
Alexei Konov, department head of the Public Service Development Centre at NRU HSE IPAMM, who was involved in drafting the recommendations, remarks that it was first planned to create a standard set of rules, which every company would sign up to. Then, however, this idea was rejected in favour of a more democratic collection of all effective practices.
Assessment of the effectiveness of the activity of public servants in Russia: practice and prospects
On 11 October 2013, the Civil Service Development Centre of IPAMM NRU HSE, in collaboration with the Parus corporation, held the conference Methodology and Practice in the Application by Public Bodies of Indications from Assessment of the Effectiveness of Results of the Activity of Public Servants. The conference was opened by IPAMM Director Andrey Klimenko, President of the Parus corporation A. Karpachev and Deputy Director of the Department for Development of Public Service of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection of the Russian Federation E.A. Kovalkova.
Bureaucrats called upon to become more open
The Public Chamber has discussed a concept of transparency of federal executive agencies, prepared with the involvement of the Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE). The document obligates ministries and departments to open up all details about themselves for the general public that is not of a confidential nature.
How to make the work of a public servant more effective
G20 countries are cutting the numbers of public servants to raise the efficiency of those that remain. In Russia, experts believe that job cuts are not the solution to the problem: for public servants to operate more effectively, government departments should apply the same laws as in business.