There is considerable public demand for primary data in health care, education, culture and social services
On 28 April the Russian White House hosted an awards ceremony for winners of the Second All-Russian Competition Open Data Russia. Many interesting projects were presented at the competition, both in out-of-the-box software solutions based on open data and in research and analytics.
HSE Experts Propose Publishing Rudimentary Statistical Reports on Medical Institutions in "Open Data" format
Experts from the Higher School of Economics believe that, while the sets of "open data", currently being published by the Russian Healthcare Ministry, are useful for the public, they need additional detail.
HSE students win open data hackathon
The Russian Government Analytical Centre has completed a hackathon of the Open Data Portal of the Russian Federation, Hackathon #2. Students from the Higher School of Economics won prize in a number of nominations.
Open data: new opportunities and new problems
On 16 February the NRU HSE hosted a meeting on how to improve legislation as regards access to public information. The meeting was attended by Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail ABYZOV and discussion moderators were Director of IPAMM’s Centre for Analysis of the Operations of Executive Authorities Andrei ZHULIN and IPAMM Director and HSE NRU Vice Rector Andrei KLIMENKO.
There shall be Open Data: the Higher School of Economics will develop a concept of open data for the Russian Federation09.08.2012 Public services in cooperation mode
The National Research University - Higher School of Economics is the winner of an open tender run by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for the right to execute a government contract for elaborating a concept of open data for the Russian Federation.
The principal contractors under this contract at NRU HSE will be the Institute for Public and Municipal Management and the Semantic Technology Centre.