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Tag "research projects"

Effective adjustment of regulatory policy in Russia could increase GDP by up to 1.5 to 2.5% a year

Regulatory policy, alongside monetary and budgetary policy, is a key driver of economic growth. Intelligent use of this public governance tool could increase GDP by up to 1.5 to 2.5% a year and also enhance the employment rate, labour productivity, entrepreneurial and innovative activity. This is the conclusion of the authors of the report, titled “Regulatory policy in Russia: key trends and the architecture of the future”, prepared by the Centre for Strategic Development and the Higher School of Economics.
The objective of the report is not only to set out the key problems facing the regulatory environment, but also to draw up proposals for its improvement over the course of 2018–2024. Recommendations for publishing have been compiled allowing for the latest scientific developments and in accordance with best international practices.

Illustration for news: HSE hosted an expert seminar on regulatory evidence-based standards

HSE hosted an expert seminar on regulatory evidence-based standards

Daniel Tsygankov, Head of the RIA Center spoke at the expert seminar “Standards of Evidence-based Regulation: International Experience and Prospects for Implementation in Russia”, which was held on 29 of March at the Higher School of Economics.

HSE hosts a specialist workshop, devoted to regulatory standards

RIA Centre Director Daniil Tsygankov spoke at the specialist seminar “Standards in evidencing the need for regulation: international experience and prospects of introduction in Russia”, held at NRU HSE on 29 March.

Illustration for news: Is the public ready for employment relations to go electronic?

Is the public ready for employment relations to go electronic?

Director of the Department for Public Administration and Governance of NRU HSE Andrey Klimenko reported to parliamentary sessions of the Russian State Duma and at a meeting of the Public Council of the Russian Federal Service for Labour and Employment on results of sociological research into the attitude of employed civilians to the possible transition to electronic employment agreements.

Illustration for news: Head of the RIA Center Daniil Tsygankov participated in 3th Financial Times Regulation Forum "Collaborative Solutions and Effective Stakeholder Engagement" in Berlin

Head of the RIA Center Daniil Tsygankov participated in 3th Financial Times Regulation Forum "Collaborative Solutions and Effective Stakeholder Engagement" in Berlin

Head of the RIA Center Daniil Tsygankov participated on November 30, 2017 in a panel discussion "Improving Regulatory Outcomes – Participation of Key Stakeholders" in 3th Financial Times Regulation Forum in Berlin (Germany), and offered to develop evidence-based Standard for regulation.

Illustration for news: HSE hosts a specialist workshop, devoted to RIA on a regional level

HSE hosts a specialist workshop, devoted to RIA on a regional level

RIA Centre Director DaniilTsygankov spoke at the specialist workshop RIA in Executive and Legislative Branches of Authority on a Regional Level:Russian and International Experience, which was held at NRU HSE on 10 November.

CSD and Garant launch a survey of those affected by regulation, designed to identify sticking points

Today the Centre of Strategic Developments Fund and the company Garant have launched a survey of those affected by regulation, in an attempt to identify sticking points in the Russian regulatory environment.

Illustration for news: A punishing robustness: the nature of an administrative tribunal

A punishing robustness: the nature of an administrative tribunal

The Centre for Strategic Developments is proposing a decisive regulatory reform, in line with the working materials of the Country Development Strategy 2018–2024, discussed at the CSD on 8 June. One of the ideas is to create an administrative tribunal of 7–9 people, which will do away with so-called “sticking points in the law”, meaning omissions in enactments, superfluous and contradictory norms. There is currently no effective means for their repeal, but such a tribunal would give impetus to deregulation in 3–4 years, the CSD believes. 
An article in the Kommersant newspaper contains the opinions of Director of the NRU HSE IPAG RIA centre Daniil Tsygankov and other experts.

RIA Centre Director Presents Report at a Conference of the Association of Specialists in Program and Policy Evaluation in Novosibirsk

RIA Centre Director Daniil Tsyankov spoke at the 2nd annual conference of the Russian Association of Specialists in Program and Policy Evaluation "Program and Policy Evaluation in a Time of Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities" in Novosibirsk.

HSE experts assess regional procurement

“A lack of regulation in public procurement and a lack of consistency in application of legislative norms on the contract system make the public procurement process opaque”, is the finding of a report by the Russian Finance Ministry on the key aspects for enhancing effectiveness of budget resources in Russian constituent entities. Experts from the Regional Programmes Centre of IPAG NRU HSE have played an active role in studies, analysing the materials submitted by regional authorities on enhancing the effectiveness of public procurement and sending the corresponding section of the report to the Finance Ministry.