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Tag "digital technologies"

Illustration for news: The conference "Digital Petersburg – 2035"

The conference "Digital Petersburg – 2035"

Evgeny Styrin, the Head of the HSE University International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration, participated in the conference "Digital Petersburg - 2035", which was held on the eve of the International ICT Forum "IT Dialogue". Within the framework of the conference, expert sessions were held, where possible sections and the basis for the Strategy of St. Petersburg City until 2035 were discussed. 

Illustration for news: 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital Technologies and Law”

3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital Technologies and Law”

In Kazan there was held 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital Technologies and Law”organized by the Research Institute of Digital Technologies and Law of the Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Tymiryasov (Kazan, Russia). The conference, which was attended by over 1,200 participants from 26 countries, addressed a wide range of issues on digitalization and law that were addressed in 8 core sections, 8 special sessions and 6 partnership sessions. Thus, the conference is one of the most representative and large, especially considering that it takes place on the eve of the XVI BRICS summit, which will also take place in Kazan from 22 to 24 October 2024.

Illustration for news: III International Forum "Mass Media and Digital Technologies facing the Challenges of Information and Historical Falsification"

III International Forum "Mass Media and Digital Technologies facing the Challenges of Information and Historical Falsification"

Leading Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the HSE University Evgeny Diskin took part in the III International Forum «Mass Media and Digital Technologies before the challenges of information and historical falsification» during which a wide range of issues related to the opposition of unreliable information in the field of historical memory was discussed.

Illustration for news: Lecture by Evgeny Styrin at the College of Public Administration of Huazhong University

Lecture by Evgeny Styrin at the College of Public Administration of Huazhong University

Head of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration Evgeny Styrin was an invited lecturer at the College of Public Administration, Huazhong University at the invitation of Professor Tao Chen as part of the course "E-government Frontiers", attended by university students, civil servants of African countries.

The round table «Evaluation of digital readiness of the population for the implementation of digital technology in Russia»

On April 27, 2021 the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the IPAG held the round table "Evaluation of digital readiness of the population for the implementation of digital technologies in Russia" within the framework of the XXII April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics.