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State regulation and regulatory impact assessment

Premier League of the Regulatory impact assessment

On 5 December 2014 in St Petersburg, the expert session of the conference “Smart Regulation. Dialogue Between Business and Authority” discussed ONF [People's Front for Russia] monitoring and successful RIA case studies. The conference, held as part of the expert work of IPAMM for the Leningrad Region Economic Development and Investment Committee, drew a wide circle of officials, business owners, representatives of business associations, experts and academics.

Public organisations find it hard to control public procurement

On 1 August NRU HSE discussed the results of public control of public procurement. Public organisations are striving with ever greater energy to control issues of public procurement, but the lack of prescribed rules for inspections hinders the development of this initiative. This was the conclusion reached by experts from the Regional Programmes Centre at IPAMM NRU HSE, who, at the meeting of experts at NRU HSE on 1 August, presented the results of monitoring public control in public procurement, the presentation of which was organised as part of preparations for the national report "On the procurement practice in 2014".

Regulatory impact assessment entrenched in Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union

The Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union, executed on 29 May in Astana, stipulates in particular the duty of the Eurasian Economic Union to perform regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of draft resolutions, which may impact upon conditions for doing business. Commentary by Daniil Tsygankov, Director of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre at the Higher School of Economics and member of the business consultative committee under the Collegial Panel of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Association of Programme and Policy Evaluation Specialists now accepting members

From 15 May 2014 the Association of Programme and Policy Evaluation Specialists has begun its activity. The Management Board of the Association now includes Daniil Tsygankov, Director of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre, and Alexander Sungurov, Head of the Applied Political Studies Department at NRU HSE (St Petersburg).

Round table held on “Assistance in optimising state control (supervision) in economics”

On 13 May the RUIE Committee Committee on Optimization of Control and Monitoring and Removing Administrative Barriers held a round table on "Assistance in optimising state control (supervision) in economics".

Second workshop held on regulatory impact assessment for administrations of the Central Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

The Federal Tax Service of Russia, following the initiative of the department’s social council and the Russia Union of Taxpayers, has held an in-depth workshop on regulatory impact assessment for administrations of the Central Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Speakers included Alexander Borisov, Chief Executive of the Moscow-based International Business Association, Artem Kiryanov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Russian Union of Taxpayers, Denis Tsygankov, Director of the Centre for Regulatory Impact Assessment of IPAMM NRU HSE and others.

Centre for Regional Programmes take part in Inter-regional Conference in Pyatigorsk

From 10 to 11 April, Pyatigorsk hosted an Inter-regional Conference for customers in the North Caucasus Federal District, dedicated to the subject: "The Contract System in Procurement." The event was held with the support of the Russian Ministry for Economic Development, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Krai and the public organisation the Contractual Relations Forum.
The conference participants included representatives for the Russian Ministry for Economic Development, the Centre for Regional Programmes of IPAMM NRU HSE, the Unified Electronic Trading Platform, the public organisation the Contractual Relations Forum and customers from the North Caucasus Federal District.

Survey: Russians are prepared to participate in monitoring government orders

More than one half, 55%, of Russians believe that social control is an effective means of combating corruption. This is the result of a survey run by the Higher School of Economics (the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE) and the Superjob.ru portal, under the auspices of the Open Government. At the same time, 59% of Russian would be happy to participate personally in monitoring government orders and almost one third of them (27%) would be prepared to work as volunteers in public organisations.

Heading for a new regulatory policy for Russia

On 14 March the National Research University - the Higher School of Economics held the international practical workshop "Development of Smart Regulation Mechanisms: heading for a new regulatory policy for Russia".
Andrey Klimenko, Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management of the NRU HSE opened the event and served as moderator on the first panel.
Charles-Henri Montin, Senior Advisor on regulatory matters for the French Finance Ministry and editor of the international Smartregulation.net blog, appeared with a keynote speech, describing the potential of best practices in the regulatory policy of OECD countries and throughout the world as regards the applicability of Russian realities.

"Russian Business Week" in Moscow

From 17 to 21 March 2014, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) is holding its annual Russian Business Week (RBW), a key event that discusses and presents proposals on topical areas of possible collaboration between the state and business.
On the first day of the event, Andrey Klimenko, Director of the Institute for Public Administration and Municipal Management of NRU HSE, appeared as a moderator at the session titled "Industrial Safety: the Role of Business and State in Reducing the Risks". Participants of the discussion noted the need to achieve safety objectives by rationalising the work of the corresponding control and supervisory agencies, allowing likewise for the need to reduce business costs