Workshop held in Lipetsk, devoted to strategic planning
On 7 October, staff from the Institute of Public Administration and Municipal Management (A. Klimenko, N. Klishch and I. Stepanov) and from the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (M. Goland) took part in the workshop “Strategic Directions in Socio-economic Development of Lipetsk Region. New Approaches and Mechanisms to Determine Points of Economic Growth”.
Summer School of the Public and Municipal Management Department and the Fulbright Programme (7 – 12 June 2015)
From 7 to 12 June 2015, as part of collaboration between NRU HSE and the Institute of International Education (the Fulbright Programme), an International Summer School was held on “Sustainable Development of Municipal Agglomerations”. The Summer School was organised by the Public and Municipal Management Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Fulbright Programme in Russia. This Summer School was a continuation of a series of summer schools, arranged jointly with the Fulbright Programme (2012, 2013), devoted to various aspects of the theory and practice of sustainable development.
Development of Strategic Management
On 8 April 2015, as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a round table was held, entitled Development of Strategic Management, which was chaired by Professor Andrei Klimenko, Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management.
The Fourth Moscow Urban Forum
IPAMM Director Andrey Klimenko took part in the Fourth Moscow Urban Forum. The session entitled “Urban development management: successful cooperation of municipal and regional administrations” discussed the development and best practices in urban development as an element of regional administration. Among other things, consideration was given for approaches to approving strategic documents, programmes and policies of municipal and regional levels, methods for accounting the opinions of civilians when justifying development priorities and forms of civilian involvement in deciding urban problems.

Thirteenth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Council of the CIS on Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation
On 29 - 30 September the Executive Committee held the Thirteenth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Council of the CIS on Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation in Minsk.
The focus of attention at the meeting was implementation of the Intergovernmental Programme for Innovative Cooperation of CIS Member States until 2020. NRU HSE, the chief developer of the Programme, was represented by Vladimir Korolev, Deputy Director of IPAMM NRU HSE.
New Discussion of Strategy for St Petersburg Up To 2030
IPAMM Director Andrey Klimenko presented a speech at the meeting of the Economic Council at the offices of the Governor or St Petersburg, held at the Smolny on 9 July. The meeting was dedicated to a discussion of economic policy steps, called upon to ensure the achievement of goals of the recently approved Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of St Petersburg up to 2030.
Investment Strategy adopted for development of Vladimir Region
At the latest meeting of the Expert Group for monitoring the introduction of a Performance Standard for executive authorities of Russian Federation constituent entities, to ensure a favourable investment climate, an Investment Strategy for Development of Vladimir Region was approved, which was drawn up with the direct involvement of experts from the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE.
Working session of HSE experts held in Ulyanovsk Region
A working session of HSE experts has been held in Ulyanovsk Region, devoted to updating the Regional Development Programme to 2020.
"The region has a number of specific advantages over other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These are a favourable transport and geographical location, high-tech sectors for aviation, device and machine tool construction, a well-developed investment infrastructure and much, much more,", comments Ilya Akishin, expert from the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE.
Regional strategic planning and development: how to ensure harmony
How can strategic planning influence economic growth in the Russian regions? HSE experts endeavoured to answer this question at the round table discussion "Improving mechanisms for implementing regional strategies, allowing for the requirements of the draft law on strategic planning", held on 11 February.
Draft Investment Strategy for Vladimir Region Drawn up for Period Until 2020
The Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE, in collaboration with the Institute of Economics of Energy and Utilities of HSE, has elaborated a draft Investment Strategy for the Vladimir Region. The document defines the key directions of the region’s investment policy until 2020 and it is called upon to facilitate the dynamic development of the economy of the Vladimir Region and an improvement in the well-being of its residents.