Online Conference: Digital Governance and Public Administration: Interdisciplinary Insights from Research
The HSE University International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration organized an international online conference titled "Digital Governance and Public Administration: Interdisciplinary Insights from Research". Evgeny Styrin, the Head of the laboratory, served as moderator, and the presentations generated great interest among attendees.
International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration Webinar
International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration hold webinar on the topic "Specifics of the video-making process for the socio-psychological experiment «The Influence of Emotions on Trust in Electronic Government Services»". During the seminar, the speakers, Research Assistants Elizaveta Dyakova and Agnessa Bich, detailed the methods and tools used in creating video clips, which are aimed at studying how different emotions affect citizens' trust in digital public services in various social spheres. They also mentioned their experience and difficulties encountered in the work.

International conference Internet and Modern Society IMS-2023
In the conference employees of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the Higher School of Economics E.M. Styrin, A.G. Sanina, Ya.A. Rybushkina took part with a report. Also, E.M. Styrin held the international part of the seminar "E-Governance 2023". At the event, issues of algorithmic management, citizens' readiness to use digital services, electronic participation, and therole of social networks in digital public administration were discussed.

International Conference "Digital Management and Public Administration: results of interdisciplinary research"
On June 15-16, 2023, the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration held an online conference on the topic "Digital Management and Public Administration: results of interdisciplinary research". Research projects on interdisciplinary perspectives of digital governance transformation in the field of public administration were presented. The co-chairs were the Scientific Director of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the Higher School of Economics, Professor of the School of Public Administration and Political Sciences of the University of HaifaEran Vigoda-Gadot and the head of the laboratoryEvgeny Styrin.
Seminar "Problems of Information Support of the Contract System"
The International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration jointly with Alexander T. Shamrin (Vice President of the HSE University) and Konstantin Golovshchinsky (Deputy Director of IGMU) held an online seminar "Problems of Information Support of the Contract System".
Seminar “Why do different digital public services differ so much in the response of social media users? Empirical data on the way towards a formal model”
On April 21, 2023, the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration held a seminar “Why do different digital public services differ so much in the response of social media users? Empirical data on the way towards a formal model”. The speakers were Professor Andrei Akhremenko, intern researcher of the laboratory Ilya Philippov and graduate student Vadim Egorov.
International round table "Problems of legal regulation of digitalization of public power"
The Center for Digital Transformation of Public Administration of the Lomonosov Moscow State University held an international round table. Head of the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration (Institute for Public Administration and Governance of the HSE University) Evgeny Styrin, made a presentation on "Data-based Public Administration: Effects, Risks, Barriers".

S.U.P.I. Network
Senior Researcher of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration Maria Yudina participated in the discussion at the International Conference of Social Precarization.