HSE specialists record a rise in uncompetitive state procurement contracts
According to the calculation of HSE specialists, the share of uncompetitive state procurement contracts stood at more than 63.7% in the first half of 2019. The Russian Finance Ministry asserts that the number of such procurement arrangements is falling, but HSE has included initially competitive but unsuccessful tenders in its calculation.
Crimean officials further qualification at HSE
About one thousand public and municipal servants from the Crimea and Sevastopol will attend training at HSE under the programme for advanced qualification in public procurement. One of the key aspects of the training will be countering corruption.
Public organisations find it hard to control public procurement
On 1 August NRU HSE discussed the results of public control of public procurement. Public organisations are striving with ever greater energy to control issues of public procurement, but the lack of prescribed rules for inspections hinders the development of this initiative. This was the conclusion reached by experts from the Regional Programmes Centre at IPAMM NRU HSE, who, at the meeting of experts at NRU HSE on 1 August, presented the results of monitoring public control in public procurement, the presentation of which was organised as part of preparations for the national report "On the procurement practice in 2014".
Procurement "for billions": convenient rules
The system for public discussion of major procurement requires both technical and legislative adjustment. This is the opinion of experts, who analysed the practice of such discussions in line with the law on the contractual system. The procedure itself is regulated by order of the Ministry for Economic Development, which has to be worked on further, believe participants of the open meeting of 11 March, devoted to the practice of discussing contracts "for billions".
Public Procurement: first problems for the new law
The first stage in the application of the new law on the contracts system has revealed a number of problems pertaining to the placement of government orders, of which the most acute involve human resources and technology issues. Representatives of interested parties discussed these problems at a round table, organised under the aegis of the Open Government at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.
Head of the Legislative Reform Department of the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE Veronica Dzhuzhoma took part in the round table discussion, entitled "The Contracts System: now underway. Pilot experience in enhancing the effectiveness of public procurement."
Public controllers sought for public procurement
The adoption of the law on public control, amendments to the law on non-profit organisations, the provision of quotas for free training of public controllers, the creation of an industry-based platform to unite public controllers and the register and rating of controllers, based on specific results, will all help to stimulate public organisations get involved in control issues related to procurement. This is the conclusion reached by members of a working group of the Expert Council under the Russian Government at a meeting on 13 February, devoted to development of effective public control over public procurement.
Kazan hosts inter-regional conference on the contractual system in public procurement
On 13-14 December 2013, Kazan hosted the inter-regional conference The Contractual System in Purchases of Goods, Work and Services to Provide for Public and Municipal Needs.
The conference was held by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation together with the office of the authorised representative of the Russian Federation President in the Volga Federal District, with the support of the Russian Finance Ministry and the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The conference was addressed by Veronica Dzhuzhoma, head of the legislative reform department of the Centre of Regional Programmes for Public and Municipal Management Improvement of IPAMM NRU HSE, who presented the report On results of a pilot project for testing separate institutions of the contractual system as part of preparations for entry into force of Federal Law No. 44-FZ.
Meeting held at NRU HSE of working group on the conditions and procedure for including suppliers in a register of unscrupulous suppliers
On 22 August, NRU HSE held its latest extended meeting of the working group of the Russian Government Expert Council for issues pertaining to public expenditure and public procurement. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rosatom, RusHydro, Competitive Auction House, the Russian Association of Managers, National Association of Purchasing Institutions, The Public-Private Partnership Development Centre, the National Association of Builders, the Society of Professional Pharmaceutical Organisations, executive authorities and representatives of scientific and expert communities.
Representatives of the general public in Krasnoyarsk Krai take part in a meeting to discuss public involvement in government procurement
On 15 August the Government of Krasnoyarsk Krai, under the chairmanship of the Minister for the Economy and Regional Development of the Krai Anatoly TSYKALOV, hosted a meeting, dedicated to public involvement in procurement procedures for public and municipal needs.
During the meeting Veronica DZHUZHOMA, member of the Working Group of the Expert Council under the Russian Government on improving public procurement explained that the new law was needed to move the focus of discourse between the customer and society from the negative You buy and we catch you for any infringements to the constructive We discuss together what needs to be procured, to improve quality of life.
Higher School of Economics discusses the conditions and legal consequences of terminating government contracts
On 7 June 2013 amendments came into effect in the federal law on government contracts (94-FZ), connected, among other things, with the procedure for unilateral termination of contracts on the initiative of the customer. Similar provisions relative to instances and consequences of the termination of a contract shall be contained in the federal law on the federal contracts system (44-FZ), which will come into effect from 1 January 2014. “The Law stipulates that the unilateral withdrawal from performance of a contract is implemented in accordance with civil legislation. That said, the Civil Code provides for the possibility of such a withdrawal by the customer not only in instances when the other party is in gross breach of the contractual conditions, but generally as well, without grounds,” declared Dmitry ILYUSHIN, expert from IPAMM NRU HSE at a meeting of the working group of the Expert Council under the Russian Government for public expenditure and procurement, held at NRU HSE on 14 August.