"Efficiency of Distribution of Volumes of Medical Care in the CHI System: Aspect of Digitalization" Seminar
On February 17, 2023, the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration held a seminar "Efficiency of distribution of volumes of medical care in the CHI system: aspect of digitalization". The speaker was Ilya Stepanov, a junior researcher at the laboratory.
International Сonference "Public Sector Development and Data Driven Government"
On June 29-30, 2022, the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration is holding a conference "Public Sector Development and Data Driven Government" held an online-conference dedicated to public sector development and data-driven government. The conference was organized and moderated by the Laboratory Head Dr. Evgeny Styrin, and by Leading Research Fellow Dr. Anna Sanina.
The round table «Evaluation of digital readiness of the population for the implementation of digital technology in Russia»
On April 27, 2021 the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the IPAG held the round table "Evaluation of digital readiness of the population for the implementation of digital technologies in Russia" within the framework of the XXII April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics.
The round table «Digital Transformation of the Government»
On April 16, 2021, the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration at the IPAG held a round table «Digital Transformation of Public Administration» within the framework of the XXII April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics.

Theory Workshop
On April 9, 2021, the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration, together with British scientists from the University of Bradford Professor V. Virakkodi, S. Sivaraja and Professor V. Vikantesh, held a Theory Workshop on the interaction of citizens and public digital platforms.