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Practical Aspects of Cooperation with OECD

IPAG Director Andrey Klimenko spoke at the Russian Ministry of Economic Development training workshop called “Practical Aspects of Cooperation with OECD”. The objective of the workshop was to familiarise the heads of federal executive agencies and their divisions with the work of the OECD, OECD standards and recommendations in a number of spheres of public administration and regulation, and the tasks facing the Russian Federation as a state acceding to the OECD.

Illustration for news: Public-Private Partnership: Legislative and Social Aspects

Public-Private Partnership: Legislative and Social Aspects

On 19 May in Nalchik, the Kudrin University of the Committee of Civil Initiatives hosted the workshop “Public-Private Partnership: Legislative and Social Aspects”. The discussion focused on practical issues pertaining to implementation of socio-economic development programmes for the region.

Topical problems in public strategic planning

As part of the 17th April International Conference a session, chaired by Vladimir Korolev, was held on “Directions and conditions governing the development of public strategic management”.
The discussion involved representatives of NRU HSE, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the Finance University under the Russian Government, representatives of regional ministries and departments (Ulyanovsk Region, Volgograd Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Altai Krai, the Republic of Khakassia and others).

Prospects of State Regulation

A round table was held as part of the 17th April International Conference under the title of “Future Regulation”, dedicated to the problems and prospective directions of development of the state's regulatory policy. The discussion involved V.A. Zhivulin (Russian Ministry of Economic Development) E.A. Makhortov (SCA), Yu.A. Tikhomirov (Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law), A.V. Varvarin (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), R.N. Korchagin (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration), V.A. Kharchenko and V.A. Maslakov (NISSE), D.B. Tsygankov (NRU HSE), with Director A.V. Klimenko (NRU HSE) acting as moderator.

Illustration for news: Effectiveness of control and supervision in Russia is low, while administrative costs are high

Effectiveness of control and supervision in Russia is low, while administrative costs are high

Excessive regulation, insufficient resources and clogged-up administrative channels lead to inefficiencies in the public governance system in Russia, believe members of the plenary session “Administrative Reform and Reduction in Control and Supervision Functions”.

Illustration for news: Self-control technology in the occupational safety system

Self-control technology in the occupational safety system

On 20 April Andrey Klimenko took part in the Russian Occupational Safety Week in Sochi as the moderator of the plenary discussion “New Online Service for the Russian Federal Service for Labour and Employment. Will the Electronic Inspector replace the inspector who visits us to conduct an inspection?”

Illustration for news: Collaboration opportunities with the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin)

Collaboration opportunities with the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin)

Andrey Klimenko visited the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin to discuss opportunities to expand collaboration in education and science under a previously executed agreement. The meeting was attended by the School's Dean Prof. Helmut K. Anheier, and professors G. Hammerschmidt and M. Hallerberg.

HSE offers its own concept for technopark creation in Archangelsk Region

The Higher School of Economics has offered its own concept for technopark creation in Archangelsk Region. Experts believe that the creation of a state-run technopark, which could have recourse to federal support, would have the greatest chances of success in the region. The more diverse the industry specialisation of the participants, the more interesting the projects that may be generated. What is more, believe the developers of the concept, the future technopark should have the Arctic as its main focal point. Deputy Minister for Economic Development of the Archangelsk Region Alexey BUSIN spoke with BC about development of the project.

Standard contracts at the centre of attention at RIBF-2016

A round table was held as part of the Russian Investment and Building Forum, entitled “Development of a Library of Standard Contracts on Engineering Survey, Design and Construction (Reconstruction) of Capital Construction Sites for State and Municipal Needs”, which was attended by representatives of government departments and national associations related to the industry, along with leading building and production companies. Director of the Legal Review and Analytics Centre at IPAG NRU HSE Veronica Dzhuzhoma spoke as an expert at the discussion.

Illustration for news: Workshop devoted to development of a draft Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of Tyumen Region until 2030

Workshop devoted to development of a draft Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of Tyumen Region until 2030

Director of the “Development Centre” Institute Natalya Akindinova and IPAG Director Andrey Klimenko presented the region's development strategy until 2030 to heads of divisions of the Tyumen Region administration and group heads.