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Technoparks in garages

In line with tradition, the Department for Local Administration held the latest field summer school, which on this occasion was devoted to studying specific forms of public economic activity in the towns of Dubna, Kimry, Konakovo and Taldom. The subjects of the study were the phenomena of “garage economy” and “distributed manufacturing”.

Workshop held in Lipetsk, devoted to strategic planning

On 7 October, staff from the Institute of Public Administration and Municipal Management (A. Klimenko, N. Klishch and I. Stepanov) and from the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (M. Goland) took part in the workshop “Strategic Directions in Socio-economic Development of Lipetsk Region. New Approaches and Mechanisms to Determine Points of Economic Growth”.

HSE: transferring municipal transport to natural gas will save the regions more than RUB 33 billion

According to research by the Higher School of Economics, by 2020 regional budgets will save more than RUB 33 billion on transport costs. This is provided that the regions fully implement the Government directive that obligates the transfer of up to 50% of municipal transport in major cities to gas engine fuel by 2020.

Discussion of RIA hosted by the Irkutsk Business Ombudsman

Director of the Centre for Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Institute for Public Administration and Municipal Management of NRU Higher School of Economics Daniil Tsygankov held a meeting with Irkutsk Regional Authorised Representative for Entrepreneurial Rights Protection Alexei Moskalenko and representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of Irkutsk Region.

Monitoring transparency in federal executive authorities

In October – December 2014 experts from the Centre for Analysis of the Performance of Executive Authorities, as part of the Programme of the Applied Research Development Fund of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics conducted Russia's first monitoring of the transparency of federal executive authorities.
A summary of the results and recommendations on introducing transparency principles and mechanisms were presented in a public report, entitled “Five Steps to Transparency”, prepared for the 16th April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (7–10 April 2015, Moscow).

Centre for Regional Programmes develops standards for time and staff numbers for local government authorities in Yaroslavl Region

During their research, the Centre's experts developed and tested working standards and standards for staff numbers of local government authorities in Yaroslavl Region, an optimum organisational and staffing structure was calculated for local government authorities and recommendations were drawn up for standardising payroll expenditure concerning the employees of local government authorities.

Summer School of the Public and Municipal Management Department and the Fulbright Programme (7 – 12 June 2015)

From 7 to 12 June 2015, as part of collaboration between NRU HSE and the Institute of International Education (the Fulbright Programme), an International Summer School was held on “Sustainable Development of Municipal Agglomerations”. The Summer School was organised by the Public and Municipal Management Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Fulbright Programme in Russia. This Summer School was a continuation of a series of summer schools, arranged jointly with the Fulbright Programme (2012, 2013), devoted to various aspects of the theory and practice of sustainable development.

HSE experts see the environment levy rate as justified

Setting the environment levy was one of the main innovations in state regulation of waste disposal, introduced by Federal Law No. 458 of 29 December 2014. At the request of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, NRU HSE experts are working on the economic substantiation of the rates of the environmental levy for all groups of goods and products, waste from the use of which is subject to recycling.

Workshop held in Tashkent on improving the regulatory impact assessment system

On 14 May 2015 the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation (IMCL) under the President of Uzbekistan, in collaboration with the UN Development Programme in Uzbekistan, held a workshop as part of implementation of the project "Support to the Enhancement of Lawmaking, Rulemaking and Regulatory Impact Assessment", entitled: “Further improvement of regulatory impact assessment in Uzbekistan as an essential tool for modernization and improvement of the quality of national legislation”. The opening was marked by an address by IMDZ Director Farrukh Mukhamedov.
Daniil Tsygankov, Director of the RIA Centre at the Institute of Public and Municipal Management at the NRU Higher School of Economics shared international experience in improving the regulatory environment: practice of OECD and Eurasian Economic Union countries.

Development of Strategic Management

On 8 April 2015, as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a round table was held, entitled Development of Strategic Management, which was chaired by Professor Andrei Klimenko, Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management.