Workshop held in Tashkent on improving the regulatory impact assessment system
On 14 May 2015 the Institute for Monitoring of Current Legislation (IMCL) under the President of Uzbekistan, in collaboration with the UN Development Programme in Uzbekistan, held a workshop as part of implementation of the project "Support to the Enhancement of Lawmaking, Rulemaking and Regulatory Impact Assessment", entitled: “Further improvement of regulatory impact assessment in Uzbekistan as an essential tool for modernization and improvement of the quality of national legislation”. The opening was marked by an address by IMDZ Director Farrukh Mukhamedov.
Daniil Tsygankov, Director of the RIA Centre at the Institute of Public and Municipal Management at the NRU Higher School of Economics shared international experience in improving the regulatory environment: practice of OECD and Eurasian Economic Union countries.
Development of Strategic Management
On 8 April 2015, as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, a round table was held, entitled Development of Strategic Management, which was chaired by Professor Andrei Klimenko, Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management.
Regulatory Impact Assessment: international experience and practical means of implementation in the Eurasian Economic Commission
On 16 April, Director of the RIA Centre at IPAMM NRU HSE Daniil Tsygankov addressed the information workshop at the EEC – Regulatory Impact Assessment: international experience and practical means of implementation in the Eurasian Economic Commission.
Regional authorities do not engage much in regulatory impact assessment
More than one half of Russian regions are nominally engaged in the formation of the institution of regulatory impact assessment (RIA). Experts from the Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre at NRU HSE have revealed that assessment specialists have not undergone the requisite further training, analysis of the consequences of regulatory innovations for business and society are systematically overlooked and funds are allocated for pilot projects and training merely based on the leftover principle. That said, a number of regions are growth points for “smart regulation”.
RIA in Russian and Eurasian Economic Union
Director of the RIA Centre, IPAMM NRU HSE and independent expert of the Consultative Committee for Entrepreneurship under the EEU Supervisory Panel Daniil Tsygankov gave a video interview to the PROVED information and analytical portal (St Petersburg), speaking about the present-day state of regulatory impact assessment in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. We recall that since 1 April 2015 the majority of decisions of the EEU, which may have an impact on business conditions, may not be taken without allowance for RIA and public consultations with the business community.
Minimising the risks of corruption in the collaboration between business and authority
On 18 March 2015, as part of the university-wide open classroom “GR in Modern-day Russia: Theory and Practice”, a masterclass was held by Irina Kotelevskaya, candidate of law, associate professor of the department of the theory and practice of collaboration between business and authority and director of the Law and Law Enforcement Practice of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE).
International experience and civilised GR strategies for modern business
On 11 March 2015, as part of the university-wide open classroom “GR in Modern-day Russia: Theory and Practice”, the department of theory and practice in the collaboration of business and authority hosted a masterclass of NRU HSE Professor, President of the Russian Union of Insurers, President of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers and Chairman of the Management Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development Igor Jurgens.
Models for the interaction of business and authority as part of multilateral international institutions (such as G20, G8/7 and BRICS)
On 25 February 2015, as part of the university-wide open classroom, organised by the department of theory and practice in the collaboration of business and authority, hosted a master class of Professor Marina Larionova.
Development of social partnership: the interests of employers
On 18 February 2015, as part of the university-wide open classroom, organised by the department of theory and practice in the collaboration of business and authority, hosted a master class of Professor Marina Moskvina, Director of the Employment Market and Social Partnership Administration of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
State anti-corruption policy in the Russian Federation and its impact on the development of small and medium businesses
On 4 February, the university-wide open classroom, organised by the department of theory and practice in the collaboration of business and authority, hosted a master class of the President and Managing Director of the Delovaya Perspektiva Interregional Public Foundation, Leading Expert of the Institute of Public and Municipal Management at NRU HSE and Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in Combating Corruption Dina Krylova.