Draft Investment Strategy for Vladimir Region Drawn up for Period Until 2020
The Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE, in collaboration with the Institute of Economics of Energy and Utilities of HSE, has elaborated a draft Investment Strategy for the Vladimir Region. The document defines the key directions of the region’s investment policy until 2020 and it is called upon to facilitate the dynamic development of the economy of the Vladimir Region and an improvement in the well-being of its residents.
Social Support Concept for the Population Developed in Yakutia
A Concept for Improving State Social Support for the Public in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is called on to improve the living conditions of individual categories of citizens and families with children in Yakutia. A strategic document on social support for the republic’s population was elaborated by the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE, together with the State Innovation Policy and Science Committee of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
A trillion saved on public officials
The Government has confirmed that everything is ready for the entry into effect of the new Federal Contracts System (FCS) from 1 January. With this system savings are expected on public procurement of at least a trillion roubles over three years. At the same time, the year 2014 will be a transitional year for the FCS.
Kazan hosts inter-regional conference on the contractual system in public procurement
On 13-14 December 2013, Kazan hosted the inter-regional conference The Contractual System in Purchases of Goods, Work and Services to Provide for Public and Municipal Needs.
The conference was held by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation together with the office of the authorised representative of the Russian Federation President in the Volga Federal District, with the support of the Russian Finance Ministry and the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The conference was addressed by Veronica Dzhuzhoma, head of the legislative reform department of the Centre of Regional Programmes for Public and Municipal Management Improvement of IPAMM NRU HSE, who presented the report On results of a pilot project for testing separate institutions of the contractual system as part of preparations for entry into force of Federal Law No. 44-FZ.
Open Municipality alters the image of towns and villages
In 2014 the Standard for Openness for Municipalities will be formed, to become a continuation of federal and regional standards. This was announced on 29 November at the All-Russia Municipal Forum - Open Munipality by Russia Minister Mikhail Abyzov. The forum, held in Krasnoyarsk, brought together representatives from 15 regions and 200 municipalities.
The minister commented that the main objective of the open municipality and open government is to raise the standard of living for civilians and form an effective means of feedback.
RIA in Lipetsk Region
On 21 November, under the support of the Administration of Lipetsk Region, the Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with the RIA Centre of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) held the second in-depth workshop for department heads in regional and municipal administrations, heads of regional and municipal administrations on the subject: “Development of the Institution of RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) in Lipetsk Region”.
Labour Ministry issues anti-corruption rules for business
The Labour Ministry has prepared detailed recommendations on how to combat corruption within companies. The documents, which has been well received by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Delovaya Rossiy and Opora Rossii, has already been distributed among companies. Its objective is to help businesses meet the requirements of Article 13.3 of Federal Law No. 273 On Countering Corruption.
Alexei Konov, department head of the Public Service Development Centre at NRU HSE IPAMM, who was involved in drafting the recommendations, remarks that it was first planned to create a standard set of rules, which every company would sign up to. Then, however, this idea was rejected in favour of a more democratic collection of all effective practices.
How to provide “New Moscow” with highly qualified work places
With the joining of new territories to Moscow (“New Moscow”), adjustments are needed to the general plan for development of the capital until 2025. On 5 November, HSE hosted the second workshop in the cycle of “New Moscow in the context of agglomeration: priorities and prospects of development”, which involved the participation of experts from the State Unitary Enterprise – Research and Project Institute for the General Plan of the City of Moscow.
Discussing the development prospects of control and supervision activity
The Control and Supervision Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has held an international conference, devoted to discussion of topical issues related to development of control and supervision activity. A report was presented at the conference by the Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and the Higher School of Economics, named Control and Supervision Activity in Russia - 2012, together with a concept, devised by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, for enhancing effectiveness of the control and supervision activity of government agencies and local authorities for 2014 - 2018. President of the RUIE Alexander Shokhin welcomed the participants with an opening address.
The conference was hosted by IPAMM Director Andrey Klimenko.
In November-December 2013, IPAMM to implement a qualification enhancement programme on the topic of Regulatory Impact Assessment
В соответствии с Указом Президента РФ от 7 мая 2012 г. № 601 «Об основных направлениях совершенствования системы государственного управления» развитие на региональном уровне процедур оценки регулирующего воздействия (далее - ОРВ) в настоящее время закреплено законодательно - принят Федеральный закон от 2 июля 2013 г. № 176-ФЗ "О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон "Об общих принципах организации законодательных (представительных) и исполнительных органов государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации" и статьи 7 и 46 Федерального закона "Об общих принципах организации местного самоуправления в Российской Федерации" по вопросам оценки регулирующего воздействия проектов нормативных правовых актов и экспертизы нормативных правовых актов".