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Requirements for openness set a new format for the career of the public servant

On 3 April, as part of the XIV NRU HSE International Science Conference on economic and social development and under the auspices of the Open Government, a round table discussion was held on Public servants: working on the basis of principles of openness. In opening the discussion, Vice Rector of NRU HSE and member of the Expert Council of the Open Government Andrey KLIMENKO remarked that openness in this instance means, primarily, an assessment of the activity of public servants on the part of the end users of their services: the civilian society.

Socioeconomic Development Strategy for the Tula Region Focuses on Improving the Quality of Life of its People

On 29 March the regional government hosted a joint meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Economic Development and Industry of the Tula Region and the Council for elaboration of the Tula Region Development Strategy. Participants in the event considered issues connected with formation of the Socioeconomic Development Strategy for the Tula Region until 2030 and also the Development Concept for industrial sectors of the region. The draft Strategy, tabled for discussion, was elaborated by the National Research University – Higher School of Economics.

Conference of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as part of Russian Business Week 2013

On 20 March, as part of Russian Business Week, the conference Removing administrative barriers, optimising government control and combating corruption was held. Vice Rector of NRU HSE Andrey KLIMENKO acted as moderator at the conference. The first part of the conference was devoted to problems in control and supervisory activity and ways to resolve them. The second part, devoted to corruption, included a report by Sergei DUBIK (Advisor to the Russian President), Mikhail BARSHCHEVSKIY (Plenipotentiary of the President at the Constitutional, Supreme and Higher Arbitration courts of the Russian Federation), Andrey BUGROV (Vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) and representatives of Russian and foreign companies.

"Public Procurement: a Fresh Start"

Between 14 and 16 February the 10th economic forum was held in Krasnoyarsk, which brought together more than 3,000 people from 16 countries and 57 Russian regions. The plenary session and the work of two discussion platforms involved Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev, two deputy prime ministers of federal government, seven ministers, 12 heads of Russian regions, heads of leading companies and respected experts from Russia and abroad.
On 16 February, as part of the final day of the 10th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, a roundtable was held, entitled ‘Public Procurement: a Fresh Start’. First Vice-principal of the Higher School of Economics Alexander SHAMRIN was the moderator of the discussion platform.

Open data: new opportunities and new problems

On 16 February the NRU HSE hosted a meeting on how to improve legislation as regards access to public information. The meeting was attended by Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail ABYZOV and discussion moderators were Director of IPAMM’s Centre for Analysis of the Operations of Executive Authorities Andrei ZHULIN and IPAMM Director and HSE NRU Vice Rector Andrei KLIMENKO.

NRU HSE representative involved in fifth session of UNECE PPP group of specialists

On 5-6 February 2013 the Palace of Nations in Geneva (Switzerland) hosted a meeting of the fifth session of a group of specialists related to the public-private partnership of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, which brings together more than 2,000 experts from all continents. IPAMM Deputy Director Vladimir KOROLEV addressed the session with the report PPP in Regional Development.

The Government To Disclose Data

The authorities are to make data linked with their operations available on the Internet by no later than 15 July 2013. This could create a market for private applications and services worth $200 million a year.
In late January a group of specialists from the 'Open Government' (including representatives of the Higher School of Economics, the Ministry of Economic Development and the company W3C) presented a draft concept for open data. The document was drawn up in fulfilment of a May 2012 presidential decree, according to which Internet users should have access to data, accumulated by government authorities. As a result, states the draft concept, the work of officials should become more transparent, while Russia could see the creation of a market for applications and services, using this information as its basis.

A roundtable on RIA is held at the Parliament Centre of the IPA CIS

On 13 December 2012, the Parliament Centre of the Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS member states hosted a roundtable entitled 'Specific steps to implement an effective procedure for regulatory impact assessment in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region'. Director of the RIA Centre of the Institute for Public Administration and Municipal Management of NRU HSE Daniil TSYGANKOV presented a keynote report 'Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Russian Regions - Implementation Options'.  

Four departments disclose dozens of databases for government data as part of a pilot project

'Government data, designed for disclosure, was gathered by a number of experts,' Andrei ZHULIN, NRU HSE Director for Expert Analytical Work, announced to Interfax. 'We knew that these data are collated by departments and have to be disclosed online, in accordance with various statutory requirements.'  

Development strategy for Moscow and the city's budget policy

IPAMM Director Andrey KLIMENKO took part in the Moscow Urban Forum, held 4-5 December in the capital. During the session Effective Budget Policy, items were considered pertaining to the strategic management of the budget. The following speakers featured during the session: Maxim RESHETNIKOV (Moscow Government Minister and Head of the Department for Economic Policy and Urban Development of Moscow), Richard DALEY (former Mayor of Chicago, USA), Alexander LUKIN (member of the Board of Directors of Glavstroy] and Tatiana GREKHOVA (Deputy of the VMO Presnenskoe municipal assembly).