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Public administration: two strategies for how higher education institutions can cooperate

At the end of October a meeting was held in Budapest of representatives of organisations forming part of NISPAсее — the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration of Central and Eastern Europe. Russia was represented at the meeting by the department for public and municipal management of the Higher School of Economics. Comment by dean of the faculty Alexei BARABASHEV.

In support of the innovative development of CIS countries

On 18 October in St Petersburg, the Council of the Heads of the Commonwealth of Independent States adopted the intergovernmental programme for innovative collaboration until 2020, elaborated by the HSE. Deputy Director of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management Vladimir KOROLEV talks about the essence and the principal objectives of the programme.

Ministry for Economic Development defines the departments that are most amicable to both business and civilians

The Ministry for Economic Development has published the first rating of departments in terms of their reduction of administrative obstacles. The Central Bank, the Federal Customs Service, the Ministry of Defence and the Federal Antimonopoly Service lead the way, having successfully completed all planned measures. Those that lag behind include the Ministry for Emergency Situations and the Finance Ministry; the Ministry for Economic Development itself is in the middle of the list.

From 27 October to 24 November, the International Centre for Public Administration Research and Retraining (ICPARR) is running a survey entitled 'Choosing the optimum model for the additional vocational education of public servants'

On 27 October 2011, as part of research into improvements for the additional vocational training system for public servants, the International Centre for Public Administration Research and Retraining (ICPARR) of the Institute for Public and Municipal Management, in collaboration with the Russian Ministry for Health and Social Development, organised a round table meeting on ‘Choosing the optimum model for the additional vocational education of public servants'.
The meeting considered important aspects of improvements to the system for enhancing the qualification of public servants, and specifically the following: mechanisms for selecting educational programmes for the system to enhance public servants' qualifications, alternative means of financing training, new means of accrediting additional vocational training, ways to stimulate professional development of public servants and others.
Civil servants from federal and regional executive agencies and representatives of educational establishments were involved in discussion of these matters.

IPAMM experts speak at the meeting of the Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for Telecommunications and Information Technology

On 1 November, the Committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for Telecommunications and Information Technologies held its latest meeting. The meeting considered the creation of a legal mechanism for assessing the influence of legislative initiatives on business and interim results of the operations of the Committee's working group on preparing proposals for reviewing the requirements for structuring and transmission of traffic in the public telephone network.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly, the Russian Ministry for Economic Development, the Institute for Public Administration and Municipal Management of NRU HSE, the Russian Chamber for Commerce and Industry and leading Russian mobile and landline operators.  IPAMM NRU HSE was represented at the meeting by the Institute's director Andrei KLIMENKO and director of the Centre for Regulatory Impact Assessment Daniil TSYGANKOV.

Workshops held at NRU HSE on 20 and 21 October devoted to social issues

The Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration at IPAMM NRU HSE has held workshops on the following issues: 'Standardisation of social service provision. Development of standards for financial expenditure in the social sector' and 'Monitoring targeted programmes in social protection'.
Issues discussed included standardisation of social service provision, statutory regulation of the elaboration and application of social service standards, the practice of applying social service standards and enhancing the effectiveness and performance of their provision. Attention was also focused on the organisation, performance and the existing practice of applying the monitoring of targeted programmes.

Council of CIS Government Heads adopts Intergovernmental Programme for Innovative Cooperation

On 18 October, St Petersburg hosted the 58th meeting of the Council of CIS Government Heads, where the key events involved the members' signing of the CIS Free Trade Area Agreement and adoption of the Intergovernmental Programme for Innovative Cooperation of the CIS member states for the period until 2020.
The leading developer of the Programme, the National Research University - the Higher School of Economics is assuming the role of coordination and technical centre for supporting and organising cooperation on a comprehensive scale between the national contact centres.

IPAMM director joins the Consultative Committee for Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Russian Ministry for Economic Development

On 30 September, the Minister for Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina signed an Order on formation of the Consultative Committee for Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), to include Vice-Principal of NRU HSE Andrei KLIMENKO.  
The committee will convene at least once every quarter. Its key objectives involve determining priority lines of RIA development in Russia, preparing proposals for the organisational, legal and technical improvement of RIA and making recommendations on performing expert assessment of regulatory legal acts of federal executive agencies.

Just like in Europe

Director of the Center for Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Institute for Public Administration and Municipal Management of NRU HSE Daniil TSYGANKOV believes that 'a new trend has appeared in European: the battle with bureaucracy'. This subject is disclosed on the pages of the latest edition of Moskovskiye Novosti.

NRU HSE holds workshop on the organisation of interdepartmental cooperation

From October 2011, Russian Federation authorities of all levels shall commence the transition to interdepartmental cooperation (from 1 October 2011 - the federal executive authorities and from 1 July 2012 - the executive authorities of the regions and local authorities). A colossal volume of work as part of measures for the organisation and planning of interdepartmental cooperation is required to facilitate the transition to service provision based on such interdepartmental cooperation.
On 23 September the Higher School of Economics held a workshop on the organisation of interdepartmental cooperation.