How do you regulate regulation?
On 11-12 June an OECD seminar was held in Berlin, devoted to improving the assessment of the performance of public regulation. IPAM NRU HSE Director Andrey KLIMENKO and director of IPAMM’s Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre Daniil TSYGANKOV took part in the seminar.
Assess before introducing, or How to Raise GDP
In many countries, important legislative acts undergo a regulatory impact assessment procedure, which looks at the consequences and opportunities that a legislative act has for the state, for business and for society as a whole.
Director of the RIA Centre at IPAMM NRU HSE Daniil TSYGANOV talks to the BEL.BIZ business portal about regulatory impact assessment, why it is needed and how effective it can be.
Specialist involvement of IPAMM in the Krasnoyarsk Krai School for Aspiring Public Administrators
A seminar on Public and Municipal Management has been held in Krasnoyarsk, as part of the School for Aspiring Public Administrators project to train the region’s management pool.
Specialist speakers at the event included member of the Federation Council Andrey KLISHAS, director of the Public Service Development Centre of IPAMM NRU HSE Nikolai KLISHCH and professor of the Department for Russian Constitutional and Municipal Law of the Moscow State Law Academy Ekaterina SHUGRINA.
The Capital’s Open Budget: Initiation and Prospects
A round table was held on 1 June at the Higher School of Economics, devoted to Moscow’s Open Budget. Officials, experts and representatives of public organisations all gathered to discuss problems of information openness.
Opening the round table, director of the HSE’s Institute for Public and Municipal Management Andrey KLIMENKO remarked that, in economic terms, the budget performs a critical information function and market agents can and should make rational decisions, relying on budget data. If they do not have enough of this information, they will find it hard to determine their policy and the way they should conduct themselves on the market, especially when making long-term or medium-term plans. In this respect, an open budget is important because it reflects the key parameters and the key preferences of the authorities and business may ‘tune its conduct in line with the expenditure outlines that the government specifies for itself.’
For a more active and broader discussion of laws at the stage of their preparation
On 24 May the St Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted the conference Prospects for the introduction and further development of a procedure for assessing regulatory impact in constituent entities of the Northwest Federal District of the Russian Federation.
As part of this event, Director of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre of the Institute of Public and Municipal Management of the NRY HSE Daniil TSYGANKOV presented a report and gave an interview to the Dialog agency.
Non-civilians of the electronic Russia
Government should be invisible and e-public servants give the authorities such a chance. True, in the current level of Internet penetration, they are inaccessible to the majority of the population and many simply see no need for them at all.
The main problem with e-public servants involves 'the fact that there are no really automated public services,' believes Head of Integrated IT Solutions Design Department at IPAMM NRU HSE Timur KHAFIZOV.
'Spring Dialogue' with Alexei Kudrin
On 24 April the Higher School of Economics held its latest meeting of students and teachers, devoted to the country's Social and Economic Development Strategy to 2020, as part of the Spring Dialogue: Politicians and Students project. On this occasion, students could put their questions on Strategy-2020 to Alexei KUDRIN, minister for finance from 2000 to 2011 and honorary professor at HSE.
A system for assessing and stimulating the performance of public servants
On 3 April, at the academic council of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Anastasia BOZHYA-VOLYA successfully defended her dissertation for the academic degree of candidate in economic sciences on the subject A system to assess and stimulate the performance of public servants.
The dissertation summarised international and domestic experience in assessing the performance of public servants and established a link between various assessment models and the features of the structure of state and politics in different countries.
Be patriotic, public servants!
On 9 April, Andrei KLIMENKO took part in the Open Studio programme on television's Channel 5, devoted to the civil service in Russia. Are all public servants patriots? And what form should this patriotism take? What can we do to raise the level of responsibility of civil servants to the public and force them to utilise budget resources effectively? These are the questions under discussion by the programme’s panel.
Discussion of an ambitious draft bill for a business regulatory council
A concept was discussed at NRU HSE on 21 March 2012 for forming a National Council for improving the legal regulation of business and investment, prepared as part of the work of Expert Group No. 4 Strengthening Market Institutions. Ensuring stable conditions for ownership and development of competition and stimulating small business, in line with the updating of the Strategy 2020 project.