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Governor of Smolensk Region signs Resolution approving the Regional Programme for Enhancing Budget Expenditure Effectiveness until 2013

The Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public Administration and Municipal Management, IPAMM NRU at the Higher School of Economics, has acted as a consultant in elaboration of the Smolensk programme. The concept presents the initial status, meaning where the field currently stands in terms of the effectiveness of budget expenditure, and a plan of measures until 2013 has been earmarked.
The requirements for regional programmes are clearly set out in last year’s Budget Message of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, which stated that it is essential that constituent entities of the Russian Federation are furnished with such documents.

Information system for planning and life-cycle maintenance of interdepartmental cooperation flowcharts

In collaboration with the Centre for Open Systems and High Technologies, the Centre for Regional Programmes to Enhance Public and Municipal Administration, IPAMM NRU HSE, has developed an information system to plan and support the life cycle of interdepartmental flowcharts pursuant to Interdepartmental Cooperation Planning methods.

IPAMM specialists present reports at the training seminar ‘Assessing the effectiveness of public bodies: methods and world practice’

On 27-29 July 2011, as part of the 003 Budgetary Programme Further education courses for public servants, involving foreign teachers, a training seminar was held at the Public Administration Academy under the President of Kazakhstan on Assessing the effectiveness of public bodies: methods and world practice. Scholars from Russia Vladimir Eliseenko and Nikolai Klishch, Candidate of Economics, were invited to appear at the seminar as specialists.

Free standard

During a meeting of the expert strategy group for the socio-economic development of Russia until 2020, director of the NRU HSE Institute for Public and Municipal Administration Andrei Klimenko voiced the need to elaborate reforms, especially as regards administration and public service.

Results of the international APPAM conference Improving the Effectiveness of Public Services, held 28-29 June at the Higher School of Economics

First Vice-rector of the HSE Lev Yakobsen, Professor Douglas Besharov of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, Alexei Germanovich, Public Projects Director at Moscow’s Skolkovo School of Management, Russian Deputy Minister for Communications and Mass Media Ilya Massukh and other forum organisers and founders all welcomed participants to the opening of the conference. In his report at the first plenary session, HSE’s Vice-rector Andrei Klimenko spoke about the development of public administration in Russia and summarised the key aspects of the process. The speech of the Dean of the HSE Faculty of Public Administration Alexei Barabashev during the conference’s second day was dedicated to the history of public service reform in modern-day Russia and elaboration of a new system for assessing the effectiveness of public servants.

Presentation of the CIS Interstate Programme of Innovation Cooperation for the period until 2020 at the forum of the International Centre for Black Sea Studies, EU

From 15 to 17 June, Athens was the host of the international theoretical and practical conference – Innovation in the Wider Black Sea Region: Organisation and Principal Lines of Innovative Activity. During the event the CIS Interstate Programme of Innovation Cooperation for the period until 2020 was officially presented. 

Code of ethics for the bureaucrat

In theory, the requirement for officials to publish declarations of their income and assets is a good way to keep bureaucrats in check. In practice, this turns out as a mere publicity stunt with questionable informative value.
Alexei Kononov, head of the public service management department of IPAMM at the Higher School of Economics, answers questions from the Expert journal.  

Costly regulation

Business people want to evaluate decisions of the authorities before they are taken. Daniil Tsygankov, director of the Regulatory Impact Assessment Centre at the Higher School of Economics, is certain that the concept of 'smart regulation', which has appeared in the EU strategy, is also applicable in Russia.